Time is Money

You’ve heard the saying, “time is money”. But have you ever really stopped and thought what that REALLY meant. Think about this. We all have 1,440 minutes every day.  Let me repeat that: We ALL have 1,400 minutes every day.  That means the soccer...

Why Most People Fail at Networking

    The Process   If you’re like most business owners, you KNOW you have to network. How else are you supposed to meet potential clients and show them how great your products and services are! You attend anywhere from 3-7 networking events every...

My Ah-Ha Moment While Fishing

Where’s the strangest place you’ve gotten an Ah-Ha moment? Was it in the shower, while driving? Maybe it was when you were meditating, or working out in the gym. The best part about Ah-Ha moments is that they seem to come when you least expect it. I was...

Power of Gratitude in Business

As I write this, we are finishing up another Thanksgiving holiday here in the United States. Besides stuffing our faces with amazing food, Thanksgiving is a time of giving thanks for all your grateful for, and spending quality time with your loved ones. I love the...