When it comes to business, how do you get people to remember you, and then ultimately do business with you.

This could mean traditional, home based,or an internet marketing business, or any sort of business.
With things moving ultra fast in our ever-changing world, being able to “stand out” from the crowd and have your customers continue coming back is essential.

If you’re just not sure exactly how to stand out, I’m going to leave you with a few key tips:

Servant Leadership

Long gone are the days of the “greed is good”/ Gordon Gecko days of the 1980s.
Back then, the mentality was 
“who can I step on to get ahead in this world”, “who can I stab in the back to climb the ladder”.
If you’re looking to 
lead a team or have a huge customer base, the one question you could ask yourself every day is:  “Am I bringing other people with me up the top, or am I a lone ranger?”
I love the quote by John Maxwell that says, “If you think you’re a leader, but nobody is following you, then you’re simply taking a walk”.


The WOW factor

If I were to ask any of your customers, “Why do you continue to do business with Bob?”.
The answer that your customer comes back with is your WOW factor.

When it comes to thriving in our modern era, you have to have something that, not only makes your product/service stand out, by YOU also have to stand out.  I’ll give you an example of the WOW Factor.

My wife and I like to eat out alot.  Not that we don’t like to cook, it’s just that after a long week, we like to try out new restaurants where we live.
We took my father in-law out for his birthday the other day to a restaurant we’ve been before.
It’s been a while since we visited this one particular place.  Sure enough, from the time we walked in, to the minute we left, we remembered WHY we loved this place so much.
It was the little things like the bartender remembering that it was my father in-law’s birthday.
About 10 minutes into us sitting down, he came from behind the bar (which was in a completely different room), holding (2) glasses of champagne; one for my father in-law and the other for my mother in- law.
Was the product (the food) good, yes.  Was the ambience great, yes.
But what we remembered the most is the fact that the bartender brought those two glasses of champagne over to our table….

The ultimate WOW Factor!

So the question remains:  are you delivering WOW to every single person you do business with??


Change, Change, Change

Most people, including myself, doesn’t necessarily like change.  However, with things moving as quickly
as they are, if you aren’t changing, you’re dying!
Think about it, just a few short years ago, the main communication 
method was over the phone, and faxing your orders.  Now, think about all the ways in which we communicate and market our business:  Email, text messaging, twitter, facebook, linkedin, podcasting, youtube videos, vimeo videos,
prezi power points…. just to name a few.

You might be thinking, “I’m too old to learn any of this “new era”tools.
If you truly want to survive AND thrive, you must learn these new skills.
When I first got started in this space of high performance coaching, speaking and building my brand, I knew NOTHING when it came to internet marketing.
I only thought that Facebook was used for people taking pictures of their pets and what they had for dinner. Little did I know that BILLIONS of dollars are being spent every year on facebook advertising for business.
My mentor said,  if I wanted to brand myself as a coach and speaker, one way to do this was through Podcasting.

I had NO IDEA what a Podcast was, let alone all the technical aspects, editing software, and hardware I needed to buy.   Was I scared too learn this new way of branding myself?  Absolutely…But I did it anyway,  and now I’m fortunate to have one of the fastest growing podcast on Itunes.

Here’s the good news.  Just about anything you want to learn is “learnable”.  All you have to do is type in Google.com OR Youtube.com and you will find someone who’s already created a video on what it is you’re looking to learn.  Don’t use the excuse, “I’m too old, or I don’t know how”.
That mindset will only keep you from being your best self!


Hopefully these tips will help you out when it comes to leaving an impression on your prospects and your clients. If so, go ahead and leave me a comment below.  I always like to learn how you’re progressing in your business.


Your Success Coach,




Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ghQY9r

Twitter:   @scotthansen1210

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