Have you ever said to yourself, “there’s not enough time in the day to get done everything that I really need to get done?”


Of course you have!

Everyone has said this at one time or another.

I wanted to share (3) Productivity Tips that I use with my business clients that have helped them become more productive, efficient, and more profitable in their life and business.

1. Clarity


Most people are “busy”, but they’re not very productive.

There’s a huge difference between the two.
If you were to ask 100 people, “how many of you are busy?”
What do you think the answer would be?
Everyone’s hands would go up!  Me, Me, Me…I’m busy!

Busy people have very “busy” calendars filled with coffee meetings,
lunch meetings, regular meetings, phone calls, picking up the kids from daycare, etc, etc.

Productive people are also busy, but they are crystal clear on
which activities drive the majority of results in their business.
They actually turn meetings down, and say NO to coffee requests if it’s not 100% congruent with their vision, beliefs, and end goals.
Knowing exactly what you want your business and life to look like
over the next 90 days t0 6 months is critical.
Rather than having a “bunch of stuff” on your calendar, ask yourself,
are these activities moving me closer to the results I want.
If not, move these things off of your plate!

2. Being SOLO Focused


It’s been proven that for ever minute of distraction,
it takes 7 minutes to “get back on track” with what you were doing prior to this distraction.  Crazy, right??!
Belief it or not, multi-tasking is one of the worst things you can do.
When you multi-task, that means you’re not giving your full attention to the task at hand.

This constant task-switching encourages bad brain habits.
When we complete a tiny task (sending an email, answering a text message, posting a tweet),we are hit with a dollop of dopamine, our reward hormone.
Our brains love that dopamine, and so we’re encouraged to keep switching between small mini-tasks that give us instant gratification.


This creates a dangerous feedback loop that makes us feel like we’re accomplishing a ton,when we’re really not doing much at all
(or at least nothing requiring much critical thinking).
In fact, some even refer to email/Twitter/Facebook-checking as a neural addiction.

The best way to break this “multi-tasking” addiction is simple.  Focus on ONE task.  Only move to the next task, after you’ve completed the original task.


3. Conquering the In-Box Addiction


What’s the very first thing you do when you get into your place
of business?  If your answer was, “turn on the computer and then
check email”.  You’re like most people.

That’s the worst thing that you can do!

The problem is that, when you check email immediately, you are at
the mercy, and beck and whim of everyone else’s schedule.
Remember, your goal is to control your day, NOT, have your day control YOU!

When you check your in-box when you first come in, you are
playing defense, rather than playing offense.
Subconsciously, your telling your brain, “I have to entertain
every single email as fast as humanly possible.”

And then what happens?

Before you know it, you’re 3 hours into your work day, and
you haven’t started working on anything that needs to get done!


Before you turn your computer on when you get to work,
write down the (3) most important goals that need
to be accomplished today on a pad of paper.
These three goals/activities are your three most pressing projects
that need to get done.  No matter what happens throughout your day,
accomplishing these goals are a must.

Once you have written down the most important projects
for the day, make sure to tape them to your computer so
that you can see them.

Now that you’ve done this, you can now turn your computer
on, and open email.


But, here’s the most important part….

ONLY check email at two different times throughout the day.

For ex:  maybe you spend time on email from:
9:00- 11:00am
3:30- 5:00pm

At first, this task will be VERY difficult.
Why?  Because we are all addicted to email.

But, once you conquer this email addiction,
and start this new habit, you will be amazed
at how much more productive you will be….

These (3) Productivity Tips have been proven
to help my business clients, as well as many other
people that I have shared them with…

Please Leave Me A Comment…

I want to hear how these Productivity Tips have helped you!!



To Your Success!




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