Believing in Yourself – 9/16/14

Many times we all have times when we simply don’t BELIEVE that we can do great things. We have doubts, fears, and we sometimes let ourselves “play small”.  As a leaders, as someone who wants to impact other people, or simply lead an extraordinary...

Seeing Things Through a Different Lens – 6/27/14

Have you ever wondered why you can’t seem to get unstuck? In today’s episode, Scott talks about how seeing things with a different lens can alter your business. Most people look at life with the same lens day in and day out, and then wonder why their life...

The Rocky Story – 6/27/14

Remember the movie, Rocky?? If you’ve never heard the REAL Rocky/Sylvester Stalone story, you’re going to be blown away. In today’s show, Scott talks about how belief in yourself, even when others don’t believe in you is so critical. Scott...

The Wealthiest Place on Earth – 6/27/14

Do you know where the wealthiest place on earth is? You might be thinking; hollywood, wall-street, or maybe the oil fields or diamond mines across the world….All good guesses, but thats not the right answer. The wealthiest place on planet earth is the graveyard....

Celebrate Your Success – 5/27/14

When’s the last time you celebrated your success? Celebrating small successes allows you to start getting into momentum. And having momentum is one of the greatest things your business can have. In today’s episode, Scott talks about how even celebrating by...