Focus Like an Olympian – 10/20/14

We all can learn alot from Olympians.  Besides their incredible determination, insanely long practice hours, and insatiable desire to compete, being LASER focused is what separates the ones that wear gold, from everyone else.  As entrepreneurs and world class...

Are you Being Out-Hustled? – 10/17/14

Regardless of where you grew up, if you were successful, or if you were broke, if you grew up in a mansion or in a trailer home, this ONE trait can be the different between WHY your either successful right now, or you’re still blaming your circumstance, and...

The WOW Factor – 9/29/14

When it comes to separating yourself from the competition, having the WOW factor is critical. Not sure what the WOW factor is??  Listen to this episode and make sure to subscribe on Itunes.    ...