Your New Years Resolutions are Killing Your Dreams

It’s January 2014.  It’s hard to belive that we are in 2014 already, isn’t it?!
It was a year ago this month that I proposed to my then girlfriend Michele.
Once she said “YES”, it was a 10 month process of finding the venue, sending out invitations, meet the pastor, choose a cake, flowers, etc, etc…
(most of which Michele handled the lions share of all the work…thank God!)
Needless to say, between me quitting my job and working my full time busimess from home, planning for a wedding, her and I moving in together, finding a place to live, and then get wedding in November…..2013 was a BLUR!

Your New Years Resolutions are KILLING Your Success

I tell you this short story to illustrate just how FAST life goes by.  In a blink, it will be Easter, then summer, then Halloween, then before you know it, it will be Christmas.
Here’s the question:  Has any of your New Years resolutions come to fruition in 2013? I’d be willing to bet, you had great intentions in January and February for the new year.
But as “life happened”, you forgot about your Resolutions and goals for 2013.

In this video, I show you HOW  you can actually make your New Year’s resolutions come true

To learn how to earn income from home,
check out the FREE video that explains more

Have a Great Day!
Scott Hansen

Work Directly with Me

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