Do you think of yourself as a leader?  Do you feel that you posess leadership qualities?  Most people reading this would most likely say, “No, I don’t consider myself a leader”.  I want you to start thinking of yourself as a leader.  Whether you’re a stay at home mom/dad, you work at Target, you’re a janitor, electrician, corporate executive, plumber, you have certain leadership qualities already.

In this short video, I share one quick tip on what LEADERSHIP is, and how you can start incorporating this tip into your every day life.


Like anything worth while, it takes time to develop into the leader that you want to become.  Think of it this way.  If you’ve ever wanted to lose weight, firm up, or gain more muscle, you realize that it takes time.
You cannot expect to sign up for a gym membership, and within one week, you have the body you always wanted (I wish this was the case).  It takes dedication, persistence, learning new skills, and following thru on what you want your outcome to look like; in this case, a better body. The same principle applies to developing leadership qualities.  

Developing into a Leader

Here’s a few things you can do today to start developing leadership qualities:
1)  Start reading books on leadership (anything from John Maxwell, Brian Tracy, Marcus Buckinham)

2)  Start listening to audios on leadership

3) Surround yourself with people who are playing big in life, and
who are living life the way you want to live it.

4)  Own it!  Starting today, I want you to start OWNING the fact that you’re a L.I.T (Leader in Training).  Whether you’re a stay at home mom/dad, corporate exec, school teacher, garbage man, plumber, sales rep…it doesn’t matter.  You are a leader!

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Have a Great Day!
Scott Hansen

Oh, btw, if you want to surround yourself with entrepreneurial minded, successful people who are playing big in life,
click this to learn more

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