How Cross Fit Changed my Body & Business

The latest craze in fitness is called Cross Fit.
You’ve seen this insane type of workout where people are lifting tires, doing something called box jumps, plyo holds, rope twirls, and burpees.
At first, I wasn’t a believer, until one day, I knew I had to make a change.
I knew if I wanted my body, energy, and overall fitness level to change, I HAD to change.  I realized for things to change, I needed to change.

Check Out the Valuable Life/Business Lesson I learned HERE>>>>>>

Definition of insanity:

“doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”
Have you seen the movie, “Groundhog Day”.
Every day in Bill Murray’s life is the same, over and over and over again….
Nothing changes.   If this sounds like your life, then YOU need to make a change. You need to get comfortable being uncomfortable.
I realized in order for my body to change, to get healthier, and to get more energy, I needed to start taking Cross Fit classes and workouts

The Mirror Doesn’t Lie

I”m a big believer in whatever happened in the past, leave it there, because that’s where it belongs.
HOWEVER, our past is a great reflection of what COULD happen again in the future.  My friend, I have news for you.
Take a look at what you accomplished, where you lived, and how much money you made last year and the year before.
Has much changed over the past two years?
If not, this year,  your life will look EXACTLY
the same as the past two years,  UNLESS you become uncomfortable:  join that home based business, join the gym, eat healthier, open up that franchise…
Do Something that makes you feel uncomfortable…


If you’re truly serious about getting out of youre rut
and ready to play big in life,
go here to see the opportunity video

…It’s changing lives!
Make it Happen!
Scott Hansen

PS.  Connect on Facebook



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