In this new video, I share a secret on how to become happy starting today.  (HINT: it’s probably not as hard as you thought)

If you’re like I was, and like most people, you’re most likely
trying to “chase happiness” or “find happiness”.

I used to think this, “When I get that new car, buy that new condo, find the woman of my dreams, make alot of money…..THEN I’ll be happy.
Can you relate?

It took me a long time to realize that material things don’t bring lasting joy, fulfillment, or happiness.
Sure, when you buy the new car, new house, buy a new suit, it brings you immediate gratification.  Who doesn’t love that “new car smell”.  But that new car smell eventually fades away.  I’m talking about long lasting happiness and fulfillment. That’s what we’re all striving for!!


Go out today, and choose to be happy!
Scott Hansen
work with Scott directly

PS. If you’re looking to surround yourself with positive, influential people playing
“big” in life, then click this link to learn more

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