How to Make Money Blogging

Do you like to write articles, interview people, enjoy expanding other’s minds when it comes to various subjects?  Then blogging might be right up your alley.  With the advent of our social media exploding, there’s many ways in which you can get your word...

Happiness is a state of mind

In this new video, I share a secret on how to become happy starting today.  (HINT: it’s probably not as hard as you thought) If you’re like I was, and like most people, you’re most likely trying to “chase happiness” or “find...

Leadership Qualities

Do you think of yourself as a leader?  Do you feel that you posess leadership qualities?  Most people reading this would most likely say, “No, I don’t consider myself a leader”.  I want you to start thinking of yourself as a leader.  Whether...

Living In The Moment – 2/26/14

Are you stressed, worried, and always thinking about “what could happen in the future?” If you answered yes, that means you’re not being 100% in the moment. Subscribe on Itunes (FREE) In this episode, Scott talks about how...

Stop Comparing Yourself to others – 2/25/14

Subscribe on Itunes (FREE) Have you heard the saying, “Stop keeping up with the Jones’s…” In this episode, Scott talks about how most people are comparing themselves with others when it comes to business. If you continue...