As most of us know, Tony Robbins is the most recognized personal deveopment leader in our world today. Tony Robbins has been teaching his principles for over 30 years. I first met Tony Robbins while watching an infomercial in my bed at 2:00am. I couldn’t get over how dynamic this individual was. By the time the infomerical was over, it was 3am and I was wide awake. I wanted to jump out of my bed and start doing pushups!! This guy was amazing. He was touted as The Wonder Boy… He started talking to people about their musts versus their shoulds, and explaining how “getting in state” is the best thing you can do when you’re feeling depressed or down. It was in my mids 20’s when I started to listen to Tony on his tapes, and start reading his books. Tony Robbins continued to mention, “we all have a choice in life”. After listening to his messages, I felt like I was transormed to another place. I loved listening to his messages. They were so upbeat, high energy, yet filled with key take-aways about life. This was the beginning to my introduction into personal development


Robert Kiyosaki: Multiple Streams of Income and Being your own Boss: Some years later, late at night, on another infomerical, I stumbled across a guy of Asian descent named Robert Kiyosaki. He would draw (4) quadrants when talking about the different financial categories (see below). His masterpiece was entitled, “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. If you haven’t read this book, grab a copy today, and read it. In this book, Robert Kiyosaki talks about having “2” dads, his own father and his friend’s dad when growing up. His father was a highly educated individual who was a college professor. His friend’s dad was had multiple businesses and worked for himself. Even though Robert’s “real father” has highly educated and had a “good job”, he ended up retiring and only could make ends meet by collecting a small pension he received from the state. His friend’s dad (Robert’s “rich dad”), ended up becoming incredibly wealthy with his multiple streams of income. In this book, and many other presentations/speaches/interviews, Robert Kiyosaki talks about how working for someone else as an employee gives you ZERO leverage; not only when it comes to taxes, but also, owership and controlling your destiny. This was the first time I heard someone break down the different quadrants. When reading this, it made a huge impact on my thinking when it came to the employee versus business ownership mindset.



Joel Osteen: Living on Purpose with a Great Attitude Growing up, I was raised a Catholic. As kids, we went to CCD for 2 years every weekend, learning more about God and Catholocism as a whole. In our household, every Sunday was exactly the same when growing up: get up 8:00, take a shower, get dressed in nice clothes, grab a piece of toast, and then out the door to the 9am Catholic Mass. I didn’t mind the weekly ritual. I remember always “feeling good” after church. Even as I got older, I would attend church (not as frequently as when we were growing up), and still “feel” as if all my sins were wiped away after attending church, and feeling like my life WAS on purpose. As I was living in Los Angeles, I attended my first “Christian” church. I loved the messages when attending Christian church. The messages were never the same, and were always in modern day terms and experiences. That’s when I met Joel Osteen. I didn’t actually meet him face to face, but I met him in a bookstore. I was at a low point in my life and felt that church was a great cleansing. As I started to attend this Christian Church, someone suggested I read/listen to Joel Osteen’s material. As I started reading his book, “Become a Better You”, I started to feel good about myself again. My life felt like it was working again. I could relate to what he was saying about life. It was almost as if he was speaking to me. As the years progressed, I also started to listen to his sermons on Youtube every day before work. It would always put me in the “right mindset”.


Personal Development:The Key to Unlock Your Greatest Gifts You might be asking why I did a post on these (3) Titans in Personal Development. I feel that personal development is a MUST when it comes to becoming successful. Our mindset controls everything. Without the right mindset, you don’t have a chance for success. I could’ve mentioned an spoken about dozens of others who were influential in my life; people like: Napoleon Hill, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, Wayne Dyer, and many others. These individuals have, and always will, be a huge part of my life. Through their audios, videos, and books, they have taught me many valuable lessons in life, relationships, and business. All three mention that surrounding yourself with motivational, uplifting, influential people can play a BIG role in your success. Having people in your life or business that can help you achieve success because they’ve already done it, is one very important prosperity key. I’ve been fortunate to surround myself with people just like that; people who are playing life at high levels, yet still continue to maintain their integrity. I’ve been able to model these successful people and so can you. There’s an old saying that I love; “you don’t have to reinvent the wheel in order to be successful. just hang onto someone else’s coattails, model what they’re doing, and you too will be successful”. If you want to model successful people and surround yourself with those individuals who can lift you up, and help you start living life on your terms, click the link below to see what we’re up to.

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To All Your Success! Scott Hansen Join The Team

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