Do you like to write articles, interview people, enjoy expanding other’s minds when it comes to various subjects?  Then blogging might be right up your alley.  With the advent of our social media exploding, there’s many ways in which you can get your word heard.

Not that long ago, most people (including me) never even knew what a BLOGGER was.  I remember when I first heard the terms “blogging”, I thought it was a slang word for slacking.  Like hey, “you’re such a blogger” (slacker)…LOL

Well, needless to say, not only has blogging come along way, but now, become a blogger can be extremely gratifying; whether it’s for profit or just for fun.

Making Money Blogging about things you Love

Whenever someone starts out blogging, they run into two situations that inevitable set them back.

  1. They don’t know WHAT to blog about… 
    The most common mistake people make when it comes to blogging is “I’m not a very good writer, and don’t really know WHAT to blog about. ”  What happens next?  They don’t do anything.  They stay idle, and don’t take action.  This was my problem when I first started blogging.  I had NO clue what to “blog” about.  Here’s my quick suggestion on what to blog about:  blog about anything that you have passion for.  What do you like to talk about?  What do you find interesting: entertainment, business, cooking, gardening, car repair, personal development, clothing,etc.
    It’s like anything else, the more you do it, the better you get, and the more comfortable you feel.  It’s exactly like riding a bike.
    Just go for it
  2. How to get your blogged seen… 
    This one can be a bit advanced.  The good news is there’s a TON of ways, and a few tools for you to make this happen.
    Remember, it doesn’t matter how great your article/blog is, if nobody sees it, what’s the point, right?  I’m assuming, you’re goal is to make money blogging, right?  Whether you are writing a blog in a woman’s forum, writing your blog on your company’s site, or  you’re blogging to acquire more customers.  At the end of the day, you’re goal is to learn “how to make money blogging”.

Here’s a few tools and techniques to help you make money blogging


Facebook Groups- Did you realize you can join different Facebook groups for FREE? All you have to do is start typing in the search bar in Facebook the types of groups you’d like to join.  Once they “add you”, you  now have an audience of tens of thousands if you do it right.  Pretty cool, huh?

Forums-  one way to start getting your articles noticed is through different forums. One place I would check out is warrior forums.  You can start connecting with people in your niche in Warrior Forums.

Ezines- there’s thousands of e-zines out there that are within your niche.  You can contact someone today and start a dialogue with them; asking if you could post in theire e-zine.

Other people’s blogs- That’s right, if you have good content, and you’re not “spamming” their wall, other bloggers will sometimes allow you to blog on THEIR blog.  In return, they will most likely ask you to blog on your blog.
Law of reciprocity in full effect!


Have you ever wondered how these websites/ blogs always seem to be on Google’s first page?   It’s all about the tools.  All of the following tools will help drive traffic to your blog/website with a push of a button.
Some are free, some require a small investment

SEO Link Robot
Google Ad words

As you may have experienced, setting up your blog, can be quite daunting. I’ve spoken to other bloggers who have pulled their hair out setting everything up on their blog with all the links, the capture pages, video links, photos, etc..

I wanted to share with a blogging platform that can be set up in a matter of 20 minutes, is an authority site, and can actually help you earn income.
This blog not only is incredibly easy to set up, there’s features with this blog that allows you to use your smartphone while uploading photos, articles from your phone directly to your blog in minutes.

When it comes to how to make money blogging, it came seem daunting at first.  But as you dive into the deep end, and you start applying the tools and techniques mentioned above, you’ll start seeing greater results.
Remember ,when it comes to blogging for money, your goal is to capture leads, and then ultimately turn those leads into followers, sales,  or even business partners.

Click to learn the “3 step Blog technique” & start earning money today..

Have a Great Day!

Scott Hansen
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